Today is the first day of the school holiday! It is also market day, and Mme wa Afrika is taking Afrika and Dintle to the market to buy a toy or treat. “There is only one condition before you can get your toy or treat,” Mme wa Afrika says, ...
There was once a young woman named Matty. She lived on a small farm, where the soil was hard and the work was tough. But Matty was no ordinary farmer. With determination she toiled under the hot sun to grow enough vegetables to sell at the bustling ...
Once upon a time, there was a mother duck who had six small, yellow ducklings. They lived in a small house on a farm, but the ducklings were born during a dry, hot summer. There was no rain to play in and no puddles to splash in. “I wish it would ...
It was a freezing cold morning. Molemo pushed his hands deeper into the pockets of his school pants and pulled up his shoulders as he waited to cross the road at the robot. He wore two T-shirts under his white school shirt, but he still felt ...
Every year, in December, it was time for the Kwanzaa festival – a time when families met and shared food and gifts. And every year, before dawn, Khwezi, Lubo and Malaika would get up and go down to the river. On their way, they would sing ...
A loud howl echoed across the bushveld as Wolf woke up from a very good night’s sleep.
“What a glorious day,” said Wolf. “Good morning, all my little friends and all my big friends,” he greeted the other animals. “You must enjoy ...
* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read
* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own
In the olden days, Cow and Cat lived on Toutswemogala Hill. They shared this hill with all the other animals. For the most part, all the animals lived together in peace and harmony.
Cow was very special amongst the animals because she was the ...
* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own
Jabu was a very adventurous boy. He lived in a small village in the Eastern Cape with his grandmother, grandfather, aunties, uncles and many cousins. Although Jabu often played with his cousins and friends, what he loved most, was to go on ...
* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own
Once upon a time, Hen, together with her three little chicks, shared a field with Cow.
Cow loved grazing as she walked all the way across the field to visit her friend, Hen. But times were hard. The rain had come late this year, and there was ...
* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own
In a village far away, there lived a very poor boy who herded sheep to feed his family. He was always kind and helpful to his neighbours and was a blessing to his grandparents who raised him from a little boy. His name was Thabo and he was loved by ...
* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own