Face to face training | Nal'ibali
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Our training sessions are practical and interactive. We show adults how to engage in fun reading-for-enjoyment activities with children, and why it's important. 


Guides & Tips

Download our useful, free guides on how to read and write with children in the home, share stories with children, run a reading club and use your local library. 

Partner mentorship

Nal’ibali ensures that its partners receive all the upskilling required to help them have a great impact in their areas.

Reading Club establishment training

Under Nal’ibali Reading Club establishment training, reading club leaders can learn how to sign up their reading clubs with Nal’iabli and ensure that all their reading club activities yield positive results...

Read Aloud and Book sharing training

Nal’ibali encourages all its beneficiaries to learn how to make reading aloud and book sharing more fun and rewarding for children.

Activations training

To reach our audience, Nal’ibali hold activations in communities across South Africa.   Nal’ibali ensures that all its team members on the ground acquire the skills to educate people on Nal’ibali’s...

Supplement training

The Nal’ibali newspaper supplement allows Nal’ibali reading clubs, literacy activists, teachers, parents and ECD practitioners to engage with Nal’ibali’s stories and activities in their home language. ...

WhatsApp Training

  We offer free online training courses that cover topics like how to tell and read stories aloud to children, and how to plan, start and run a reading club. You can also learn the skills you need for organising...

Face to Face Training

Module 1: An introduction to Nal'ibali This three-hour module introduces you to the Nal’ibali campaign and to the importance of stories and reading for enjoyment for literacy development. Module 2:...