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There is no price for being kind

In ’n dorpie ver, ver hiervandaan, was daar ’n baie arm seun wat skape opgepas het om sy familie te voed. Hy was altyd vriendelik en het sy bure gehelp en was ’n seën vir sy ouma en oupa wat hom grootgemaak het vandat hy ’n klein seuntjie ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Jeb’s chocolate

Posted on June 23rd, 2022
Written by Lesley Beake

 Illustrated by Tamsin Hinrischsen

Hoekom dassies nie sterte het nie

Lank, lank gelede het die diere nie sterte gehad nie. Hulle was baie ontevrede hieroor en het besluit om by die watergat bymekaar te kom.

Dassie kyk hoe die diere verbystap op pad na die byeenkoms by die watergat.

“Maak gou! Ons moet ...

* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

When the Creator decided to give the animals tails, all the animals woke up early and went as fast as they could to collect their tails. All except Dassie who sat on a rock in the sun and sent his friend, Tortoise, the slowest animal, to fetch a tail for him …

Die windmakerige klein vinkie

Daar was eenmaal ’n klein vinkie wat baie trots was op sy pragtige geel vere en blink swart snawel. Hy het in die riete langs die rivier gesit en vir almal wat wou luister, geskree: “Kyk na my! Is ek nie pragtig nie? Kyk na my heldergeel vere! ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Weaver bird loved to boast about his beautiful bright feathers and sparkly nest made of shiny paper and sweet wrappers. He mocked the other animals for their dull appearance and dull homes. But they knew that sometimes it was better to be dull and safe than to shine brightly.

Hoe lyk ’n engel?

Sharon hou baie van haar skool, haar maats en haar gesin.

Op ’n dag by die skool vertel juffrou Jane vir hulle van engele. Sharon is so opgewonde oor wat sy geleer het dat sy dadelik, toe sy daardie dag ná skool by die huis kom, vir haar ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Die toweruur

Nie so lank gelede nie, trouens, in die tyd toe my ooroumagrootjie nog ’n jong meisie was, was daar ’n hoender en ’n koei wat vriende was.

Eendag, terwyl hulle in die lande stap, pof Hoender haar vere op en wikkel haar stertvere. Sy is ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

A ghost in Granny's pyjamas

Posted on January 9th, 2022
Story by Kai Tuomi

Illustrated by Magriet Brink and Leo Daly

The giraffe and the fox

Posted on January 7th, 2022
Nicky Webb

Why the bat flies at night

Posted on January 7th, 2022
Story by Kgosi Kgosi

Lolo fixes the internet

Posted on January 7th, 2022
Story by Kgosi Kgosi