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Matty le sefate sa mohlolo sa diapole

Kgalekgale ho ne ho na le mofumahatsana ya bitswang Matty. O ne a dula polasing e nyenyane, moo mobu wa teng o neng o le thata mme ho sehlwa ka thata. Empa Matty e ne e se sehwai feela tjee se tlwaelehileng. O ne a ikemiseditse a bile a sebetsa ka ...

Letatanyana le neng le sa rate pula

Kgalekgale, ho ne ho na le mme letata mme o ne a na le matatanyana a tsheletseng, a mmala o mosehla. Ba ne ba dula ntlong e nyenyane polasing, empa matatanyana ana a hae a ne a qhotsitswe nakong ya lehlabula, ha ho ne ho tjhesa ebile pula e sa ne. ...

Molemo le baki ya mehlolo

Serame se ne se kena masapong hoseng ha letsatsi leo. Molemo a sunya matsoho a hae ka harehare dipokothong tsa borukgwe ba sekolo mme a phahamisa mahetla ha a ntse a emetse ho tshela mmila robotong. O ne a apere dikipa tse pedi ka hara hempe e ...

Nobukhwebezane, kgosatsana ya metsing

Selemo se seng le se seng ka Tshitwe, e ne e ba nako ya mokete wa Kwanzaa – nako eo malapa a bang hammoho ho arolelana dijo le ho abelana dimpho. Hape, selemo se seng le se seng, Khwezi, Lubo le Malaika ba ne ba tsoha pele mafube a hlaha ebe ba ...

Dijo tsa Phiri tsa Mantsiboya

Moolo o phahameng o utlwahala ho potoloha hlathe ha Phiri a tsoha ka mora ho robala hamonate haholo bosiu.

“Ke letsatsi le monate ruri la kajeno,” ha rialo Phiri. “Dumelang kaofela lona metswalle ya ka e menyenyane le e meholo,” a ...

* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Kgomo e Kgabane!

Kgalekgale, Kgomo le Katse ba ne ba dula Thabaneng ya Toutswemogala. Ba ne ba dula thabaneng ena le diphoofolo tse ding kaofela. Hoo e ka bang boholo ba nako, diphoofolo tsena kaofela di ne di phela hammoho ka kgotso le kutlwano.

Kgomo o ne a ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Nkgono o hokae?

Hoseng ha tsatsi le leng Duma a kokota lemating la nkgono wa hae.

Kajeno e ne e le letsatsi la tswalo la Duma mme Nkgono o ne a mo lohetse katiba e kgubedu ya ulu jwaloka mpho.

Duma o ne a thabile haholo. Phiri e shebahalang e le kgopo ...

  • Read this story aloud to  beginner readers (7-10 years old)
  • Support children between 11 and 13 years by reading this story with them
  • Children older than 13 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Ha se mosebetsi o thata

 Hank eo e leng Mmamokgwe e Motle e ne e le seapehi se pele naheng.

Tjantjello ya hae ya ho batlana le ditswakwa tse monate ka ho fetisisa e ne e mo qolla ho ba bang.

Resepe ya kajeno e ne e le bonolo, empa dijo di ne di ...

Ntho e Kgethehileng

“Kip-kip-ki-i-ip! Kenang baratuwa ba ka!”

Bosiu bo bong le bo bong, nkgono wa Jasmien o ne a bitsa dikgoho tsa hae ho kena ka hokong, mme a di kwalle hore di bolokehe mme di se ke tsa jewa ke diphoofolo tse lapileng.

Mme hoseng ho ...

  •  Read this story aloud to  to younger children. 
  • Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them
  • Beginner readers (7-10 years old)  would enjoy reading this story on their own

Mme Mamoeng o Thabisa Nkgono

Tsohle di qadile mohlang Mme Mamoeng a etsang botlolo ya jeme bakeng sa letsatsi la tswalo la Nkgono Mamoeng. Yaba Ntjhanyana Beka o fumana balunu ya hae e ntle e bolou. O ne a batla ho e fa Nkgono bakeng sa letsatsi la hae la tswalo. Mme a pepa ...

  • Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
  • Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
  •  Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own