Lehono ke letšatši la mathomo la maikhutšo a dikolo! Gape ke letšatši la mmaraka, gomme Mme wa Afrika o iša Afrika le Dintle go reka sebapadišwa goba selo sa bose. “O hwetša sebapadišwa goba selo se sebose ge o ka dira selo setee fela,” ...
Go kile gwa ba le lekgarebjana leo le bitšwago Matty. O be a dula polaseng e nyenyane, moo mmu o bego o le thata e bile mošomo o le boima. Eupša Matty e be e se molemi wa go tlwaelega. O ile a šoma ka thata letšatšing la go fiša ...
Kgalekgaleng go be go na le mma wa letata yo a bego a na le bana ba tshela ba bakheri. Ba be ba dula ka ntlong e nyenyane polaseng, eupša matatana ao a be a belegwe ka selemo nakong ya ge go fiša kudu, go omile. Go be go se na pula ye ba ka ...
E be e le mesong ya go tonya kudukudu. Molemo o ile a sobeletša diatla tša gagwe ka dipotleng tša borokgo bja sekolo gomme a emišetša magetla godimo ge a emetše go tshela mmila robotong. O be a apere dikhipa tše pedi ka gare ga hempe e ...
Ngwaga le ngwaga ka December, e be e le nako ya moletlo wa Kwanzaa – nako yeo ka yona malapa a kopanago le go ipshina ka dijo a le mmogo le go abelana dimpho. Le gona ngwaga le ngwaga, pele letšatši le hlaba, Khwezi, Lubo le Malaika ba be ba ...
Mogoo o mogolo o ile wa galagala sethokgweng ge Phiri e tsoga borokong bjo bobose.
“A letšatši le lebotse gakaakaang!” gwa realo Phiri. “Bosele bagwera ba ka ka moka ba banyenyane le ba bagolo,” a realo a dumediša diphoofolo tše ...
* Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read
* Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own
Kgalekgale, Kgomo le Katse ba be ba dula Mmotong wa Toutswemogala. Ba be ba dula moo le diphoofolo tše dingwe ka moka. Nakong e ntši, diphoofolo tšeo ka moka di be di phedišana ka khutšo le kwano.
Kgomo o be a kgethegile gare ga ...
* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own
Mathapama a mangwe le a mangwe, koko wa Jasmien o bitša dikgogo tša gagwe gore di tsene ka gare di ikhutše, gomme a di notlelela go di šireletša diphoofolong tša go swarwa ke ...
Read this story aloud to to younger children.
Support children who are learning to read by reading this story with them
Beginner readers (7-10 years old) would enjoy reading this story on their own
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