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Phošo ye kgolo

E be e le letšatši le lebosana, la go iketla go bapa le noka. Go be go rile tuu. Lešata e be e le la Nonyana ye Nnyane fela e tswirinya ka boleta e le gare e hlwekiša meno a Kubu a magolo a mpepetla.

Kubu o be a ipshina ge meno a gagwe a ...

Ntatauwane ya ngweding ya silibera

Flossie, legotlo la mašemong, o sepediša ka gare ga bjang ka lebelo leo maoto a gagwe a bego a ka mo kuka. “Eiš! Eiš!” a fegelwa, “Nkase fihle gae ka nako!”

Letšatši le be le šetše le sobela. O be a dikologilwe ke meriti ya ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Sefako le kwena ya go opela

Mo mengwageng ye mentši ye e fetilego, motseng wa kua kgole, go be go dula mosetsana yo mobotse wa go bitšwa Sefako. Sefako o utswitše dipelo tša banna ba bantši ba mo motseng. Ba be ba ngwala direto le dikoša ba reta bobotse bja gagwe. Efela ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Beautiful Sefako refused to marry any of the men of her village. Now Sefako often slept near the river when she collected water. There, a crocodile saw beautiful Sefako and sang of his love for her while she slept. She heard his song in her dreams and decided to meet the singer who had stolen her heart.

Dikgopa le tšona di na le maikutlo!

Dikgopa tšeo di bego di dula tšhengwaneng ya Moh Mondliwa di be di sa thaba le gatee.

“KE KWELE!” gwa ngongorega Slimy.

“Le nna,” gwa dumela Speedy, mogwera wa gagwe wa potego. “Ke ka lebaka la eng rena dikgopa re sa ratwe ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

The bugs in Mrs Mondliwa’s garden want the snails out. They complain that the snails leave slippery slime everywhere they go, eat, and destroy the plants and cause traffic jams because they are so slow. The snails have two days to prove that they can be useful too, or else!

O yo monnyane kudu

Mma Tau o be a boya gae! O sepetše sebaka se setelele ka dithuto, gomme ba lapa la gagwe ba be ba mo hlologetše. Ka moka ba be ba thabile kudu. Efela Thapelo, ngwana yo monnyane go bana ba gagwe ka moka, o be a thabile go ba feta ka moka.


* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own


Mama Tau was coming home, and everyone had a special job to do for her welcome back party – except Thapelo. He was just too small. Then Bless the dog hid Mama’s present in the neighbour’s locked yard, and they needed someone who could fit through the hole in the fence to get it back.

Morwa wa Kgoši Swikiri le Awande, wa mopaki

Go ile gwa ba le morwa wa kgoši wa go bitšwa Swikiri. Morwa wa kgoši Swikiri o filwe leina le ka ge a be a rata dilo tša swikiri go swana le dikhekhe, dipisikiti, dithate, ditonate le diphuding. Morwa wa kgoši Swikiri ba be ba mo lemile kudu ka ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Prince Sugar loved sweet treats so much that no one else in his village was allowed to eat anything sweet. One day Awande the baker arrived and gave sweet treats to all the children. To appease the angry prince Awande agreed to bake a new treat for him every day – on condition that he eat the whole treat on that day …

Mosetsana yo a ilego sebakabakeng ka phošo

Lesedi o be a rata dinaledi. Ge bana ba bangwe ba be ba fela pelo ya gore meso e fihle, yena o be a fela pelo ya gore bošego bo fihle. O be a sa boife leswiswi le gannyane. O be a rata go ya ka ntle pele ga nako ya malao gore a lebelele leratadima ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Lesedi loved the stars. One night a giant spaceship landed in her front garden and Lesedi took off on a fantastic adventure. Later her mom found her fast asleep on the grass. Had Lesedi’s adventure been a dream or was it real?

Seipone sa ka sekgweng

E be e le letšatši la go fiša kudu kua molaleng wa Afrika ge Mmutla a tšea sephetho sa go theogela moleng go yo nwa meetse. O be a tlola ka go nanya ka gare ga phišo tseleng ya lerole ge a bona seipone se bekenya mahlaseding a letšatši. ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Rabbit had never seen a mirror before. So, when she saw herself and the veld reflected in it, she thought a strange animal had swallowed her and the bushveld. She ran to warn the other animals about the dangerous animal, bit it just swallowed every animal that came to destroy it.

Temo le mahodu a dimela

Temo e be e le mosetsana yo monnyane wa bohlale yo a bego a dula motseng wa Qunu. O be a rata go ya sekolong le go ithuta dilo tše diswa.

Ka letšatši le lengwe sekolong, mphato wa gagwe o ile wa ithuta ka ga go lema le go bjala merogo. ...

Ka fao o ka bago mogalegale

Timo o be a dula motseng o monnyane wa go dikologwa ke dithaba, mašemo a matalamorogo le dithokgwa tše dibotse, efela o be a rata phaka. O be a rata lefelo leo ka gobane o be a ikwa e le mogalegale ge a be a kitima fao, a namela jimi ya mapolanka ...