Maandag is altyd ’n groot wasdag in Ouma se huis. Elke Maandag haal Ouma vroeg in die oggend reeds die groot sinkbad uit en sit dit op die tafel in die agterplaas. Dan kook sy water in die ketel. Sy moet baie ketels water kook om die sinkbad tot ...
Gus en Gabby, twee goeie, gawe gorillas, woon in ’n spesiale deel van die dieretuin. Hulle het ’n klein huisie waarin hulle slaap, en ’n houtklouterraam om op te speel. Daar is ook drie bome waarin hulle kan klim.
Lank, lank gelede het ’n man huis toe gestap nadat hy baie jare lank in verskillende dele van Afrika gereis het. Hy was maer en honger, en sy geld was op. “Ek is so moeg,” sê hy vir homself terwyl hy in die pad afstrompel. “Ek wens ek was ...
Een donker nag is Onke vas aan die slaap in sy klein bedjie, in sy klein kamertjie, in die huis wat hy met Mamma, Pappa, Ouma en sy klein hondjie, Puppy, deel. Puppy slaap op ’n rooi kombers aan die voetenent van Onke se bed. Sy snork saggies en ...
Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read
Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own
Papa Smuts was a fisherman. But, fish were not as plentiful as they used to be and some days he came home empty handed. But somehow, him, Mama Smuts and their children always made the tastiest meals with their freshly grown vegetables. One evening, the Smuts family had the most delicious meal they've ever tasted, but for the strangest reason...
A long time ago, a poor woman lived with her daughter, Tselane, in a little house. One day, a giants heard Tselane’s mother singing to her to open the door. Tselane looked like a scrumptious meal to him, and the giant came up with a plan to get her to open the door…
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