Dumela, leina la ka ke nna Thando. Ke leina la seZulu leo le rago gore lerato. Mma o re ke ka lebaka la gore o nthata kudu. Ke dula le mma, motswala Santie, le mmane Sallie. Santie le mmagwe ba sa tšo hudugela ka gešo dibeke tše pedi tša go ...
Go na le naga ye nngwe kua kgole, kua kgole kudu ya go bitšwa China. Kgale, gona kua nageng ya kgole go be go dula mošemane yo mongwe a bitšwa Ho. Ho o be a hloka, efela a lokile kudu. O be a šoma kudu gore a hwetše tšhelete ye e tla lekanago ...
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Kgalekgale, mosadi o be a dula le lapa la gagwe motseng wa Mmušo wa Zululand. Ka Sontaga se sengwe le se sengwe maloko a lapa a be a eya lewatleng le legolo. Bana ba be ba epa melete mohlabeng ebile ba raloka ka maphoto. Mosadi o apeile dijo ...
* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read
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* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own
Vusi o be a rata mpša ya gagwe, Domino. Domino e be e le mpša ye tšheu ya go ba le dikodi tše tharo tše diso ka morago. Sinazo, ngwana wa gabo Vusi wa mosetsana, o be a rata katse ya gagwe Fluffy. Fluffy e be e le ye ntsho gomme e na le dikodi ...
Kgale lesogana leo le bego le bitšwa Thukile le be le dula le mmago lona ka ngwakong wo monnyane. Ba be ba hlaka kudu gomme mmagwe a tsenya tšhelete ka go rekiša mae a bego a bewa ke kgogo ya gagwe.
Thukile o be a tšwafa ebile a sa dire ...
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Thitong ga meboto ye metala ya Mpumalanga go be go na le polasa. Pere ya go bitšwa Kamazu e be e phela e fula ka setu ka tšhemong mo polaseng ye. Diphoofolo ka moka tša mo polaseng di be di gwerane. Di be di na le ditaba tše dintši tšeo di ...
Nonwane ya go makatša ya Zimkhitha wa go phaphamala
Posted on April 12th, 2016
Go be go na le mosetsana wa go bitšwa Zimkhitha yo a bego a phela a sega. O be a befediša tatagwe. Ka letšatši le lengwe o be a otlela a etšwa go mo tšea sekolong ba eya gae. O rile go fihla mathomong a tsela, a kwa gore ga a sa kgotlelela! O ...
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“Haai, Thembela!” a realo Mma. “Go na le moya o montšhi ka fao ntle. Tsena ka ngwakong, go sego bjalo o tla tsenwa ke phefo.”
Efela Thembela ga a theeletše ka ge a ipshina kudu. Meriri ya gagwe e fofela godimodimo ga hlogo ya ...
* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own
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