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Sepoko ka dipitšama tša Koko

Bošego bjo bongwe go le leswiswi, Onke o be a swerwe ke boroko mpeteng wa gagwe o monnyane, ka phapošing ya gagwe ye nnyane, ka ntlong ye a dulago go yona le Mma, Tate, Koko le mpšanyana ya gagwe ya go bitšwa Puppy. Puppy e be e robetše ka ...

  • Read this story aloud* to children who are learning to read 
  •  Support beginner readers* (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
  • Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Letseka le le kaonekaone

Koko! Koko! Koko!

“Neo!” a realo Koko. “Lebelela gore ke mang kua lebating hle.”

 Neo. O rile go bula a bona Bella le mmagwe. Bella o be a lla.

The Feast

Posted on December 11th, 2016
Jude Daly

Papa Smuts was a fisherman. But, fish were not as plentiful as they used to be and some days he came home empty handed. But somehow, him, Mama Smuts and their children always made the tastiest meals with their freshly grown vegetables. One evening, the Smuts family had the most delicious meal they've ever tasted, but for the strangest reason...

Tselane and the giant

Posted on December 11th, 2016

A long time ago, a poor woman lived with her daughter, Tselane, in a little house. One day, a giants heard Tselane’s mother singing to her to open the door. Tselane looked like a scrumptious meal to him, and the giant came up with a plan to get her to open the door…

Joseph’s cradle

Posted on December 11th, 2016

When an old yellowwood tree was blown over by the wind, Joseph carved a little cradle out of its wood for his daughter. Soon, every new-born child in the village would be rocked in the cradle, creating a village tradition. Until one day, a veld fire threatened to change 

Thaba ya galase

Kgalekgale, lefelo leo le lego maotong a Table Mountain leo gabjale le bitšwago Cape Town, le be le omile le se na selo. Ka nako yeo, go be go thwe Table Mountain e dirilwe ka galase le gore kua godimo ga yona go be go dula pela ya maleatlana, ya ...

Sekotlelo sa phutu

Kgale go ile gwa ba le mošemane wa go hloka ba gabo gape a hloka le bodulo, batho ba mo motseng wa kgauswi ba ile ba mmitša Molahlehi, leina le le ra gore “motho yo a lahlegilego”. Mošemane yo o be a se na taba le leina le ka gobane o be a ...

Salate ya mebala ye seswai

E be e le letšatši la Mma la matswalo. Neo o bolokile tšhelete ya gagwe yeo a e dirišago sekolong gomme a mo rekela ditšhokolete. Tate o mo reketše phere ya mangina a mapinki a mabotse mola Mbali yena a thadile seswantšho se sebotse ...

Umlimi nomndeni wakhe

Kgalekgale kua Limpopo, go ile gwa dula rapolasa o mongwe le lapa la gagwe – tonki ya gagwe, kolobe ya gagwe, mpša ya gagwe, katse ya gagwe le mokoko wa gagwe. Ka moka go be go phelwa botse polaseng. Pula e ile ya emiša go na ka letšatši le ...

Manyami a Sefudi

Sefudi o rata go makalela dilo, gomme a rata go thala pele Manyami a fihlela pelo ya gagwe. O be a se na pampiri le diphensele efela o be a thala ka dikota le mahlakanoke le diripa tša malahla. O be a thala diatleng tša gagwe. O be a thala maotong ...