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Mosela wa Haruki

Kgale, kgale mebutla e be e na le mesela ye mešweu ye mebotse, e metelele ya boya yeo e bego e e tšokotša ge e thabile goba e nyakaletše. Ka nako yeo, mebutla yohle e be e dula sehlakahlakeng, gomme noka ye phara ya lephilo e se arogantše le ...

Feleng o ithuta go bala

Feleng yo e bego e le Tšhupa o be a rata dikanegelo. ‘Mma,’ o be a realo bošego bjo bongwe le bjo bongwe, ‘re anegele kanegelo hle. Re tshepiša gore ge o fetša re tla leba malaong. Re a kgopela hle, re tloga re kgopela hle!’


Sehlora le letšatši

Mesong ye mengwe, diphoofolo di rile ge di tsoga, tša makatšwa ke go bona go se sešupo sa gore letšatši le hlaba ka bohlabela.

“Go direga eng?” diphoofotšwana ka moka di ile tša botšiša batswadi ba tšona.

“Se feleng ...

  •  Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
  • Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
  •  Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Thoko o hwetša naledi ya gauta ebile o a atlwa

Labohlano e be e dula e le letšatši le legolo la “Kabo ya Difoka tša Dinaledi”.

Go fihla ga bjale, Thoko o hweditše naledi e serolane ka dipalo, naledi ye hubedu ka ge mongwalo wa gagwe o hlwekile le naledi ye talalerata ka ge a na le ...

* Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
* Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
* Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Mini Moswe o hwetša mogwera

“Mini, ke nako ya go nyaka dijo!” a realo Mma Moswe mesong ye mengwe. “Ke go roma lefelong le leswa lehono!”

Ditsebe tša Mini Moswe tša go šupa godimo tša emelela. “Kae?” a botšiša. O be a rata go tsoma dijo mafelong a maswa ...

  • Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
  • Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
  • Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Nonyana ya pula

Nageng ya Gabon, go be go na le motse ntlheng ya sethokgwa. Ka gare ga sethokgwa se, makaleng a matelele a mohlare o mogologolo, go be go dula nonyana ye e kgethegilego kudu – nonyana ya go hlola pula.

  •  Read this story aloud to children who are learning to read 
  • Support beginner readers (7-10 years old) by reading this story with them
  • Children older than 11 years would enjoy reading this story on their own

Mogwera wa potego

Kgaoloya 1

Mesong ye mengweLegotlo la Mohlakengle ile la tsenya hlogo ka gare ga mahlakanoke leribeng la noka. Le beile nko ya lona moyeng la iša ntlha ya yona godimo le tlase, le nkgelela go kwa gore ke mang yo a lego gona. Mapidibidi a ...

E thomile ka mpšanyana

“Kanegelo, kanegelo, hle Koko, re anegele kanegelo,” gwa kgopela Neo. Bella a myemyela a be a dumela ka hlogo.

“Ee, hle,” a realo Afrika yo a bego a dutše diropeng tša Koko.

Koko o ile a sega. “Go lokile,” a realo, “e ...

Moroki wa go bolawa ke bodutu

Dell wa moroki o be a dula toropong ye nnyane kgauswi le lewatle. Dell o be a rata go rokela batho ba mo toropong diaparo tša botse. O be a dula a swaregile ka ge a be a soma gape a roka ka mehla. O be a dula a swaregile ka tsela ye e lego gore o ...

Sekhwama sa Mothohlapi

E be e šetše e le bošego kudu ge Nolitha a swarwa ke boroko, hlogo ya gagwe e tletše bathohlapi, manyedi le basesi. Ka ntle dinaledi di be di phadima le ngwedi wa Afrika o dira meriti lefaseng la go oma. Gosasa o tla be a eya lewatleng lekga la ...