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News & Articles

Nali'Bali in the media

Getting to know Nal’ibali Reading Clubs

Posted on
13 September 2013
With more than 100 reading clubs supported through the Nal’ibali network, we decided to spend the month of August getting to know them a little better.  While they all share the common value of reading for enjoyment, they’re all also unique and special in their own way. So we asked them to design posters to tell us a little more about the clubs. Some...
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Growing a nation of readers

Posted on
9 September 2013
I have mixed feelings about September. While in my head it heralds the beginning of spring and the move towards warmer weather (even if nature doesn’t actually play along with this), International Literacy Day on 8 September always provides a sobering reality check:  775 million adults in the world who are illiterate; 64% of these women and 22% living in sub-Saharan Africa.  Not exactly...
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This International Literacy Day (8th September 2013), the Nal’ibali reading-for-enjoyment campaign, is calling on everyone in South Africa – children, moms, dads, grandparents, caregivers, librarians, teachers, fellow literacy organisations, reading clubs and communities – to help shape a Charter of Children’s Reading Rights to honour and guide our children’s right to literacy. A love of stories is a universal characteristic of childhood and a foundation of literacy....
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The South African National Library Service and The National Professional Teachers' Organization of South Africa (NAPTOSA) recently received a book boost of  172 200 books for distribution across South African libraries and schools from Nal’ibali, a national reading-for-enjoyment campaign, in partnership with Wimpy. “Our libraries are thrilled to have received such a donation as I’m sure the other libraries are too – the children were gripped by...
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Win with Exclusive Books and Nal'ibali

Posted on
12 August 2013
You could stand a chance to win a hamper of books, with Exclusive Books and Nal’ibali! This week’s Nal’ibali reading-for-enjoyment supplement (available in The Sowetan, The Times, The Daily Dispatch and The PE Herald between 12th – 16th August 2013) has a blank postcard template in it – for your children, class or reading clubs to use and send to a friend. Postcards are a great way to share your favourite stories and books....
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In partnership with SABC Education, Nal’ibali has recently launched a children’s radio programme on SABC public radio stations. Airing children’s stories in all official languages three times a week, the partners are working together to create the conditions that inspire and sustain reading-for-enjoyment practices using oral storytelling – a vital tool in literacy development. “Oral storytelling, apart from being entertaining, provides children with the richness of...
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This Women's Month, Nal'ibali is celebrating women in South Africa working to drive literacy change in South Africa. From authors to directors of organizations, these are the women helping to get your child reading. Let's celebrate them, today and everyday! Arabella Koopman, content developer for the Nal’ibali reading-for-enjoyment campaign, believes that storytelling is inherent to being human. The former teacher and publisher says: “Stories are the...
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The Nal’ibali literacy supplement – produced in collaboration with the Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa (PRAESA) as part of the broader Nal’ibali reading-for-enjoyment campaign – is now available in two new additional languages: Sesotho and Afrikaans. Along with the new languages, the distribution has also been expanded from four to five provinces, to include the Free State, as part of the Sowetan newspaper’s regional...
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Pitching in together

Posted on
22 July 2013
“Not everything that counts can be counted. And not everything that can be counted, counts.” — Albert Einstein It’s always a sign of hope when we sense the buzz of activity as organisations and individuals gear up to do volunteering for a better South Africa, especially around days such as Mandela Day. There is something we can all choose to do to help with one of...
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Nal'ibali and the SABC have teamed up this Mandela Day to read Chris van Wyk's magical story, Mr Hare meets Mr Mandela. For your own copy, to read along with us, go here... and check the times below for when to listen in! Station Show Times Language Ligwalagwala Fm Breakfast Show 9h00 - 10h00 (09h15 - 09h25) Swati Phalaphala Fm Lifestyle Show 9h05 - 12h05 (11h15 - 11.h18) Venda Motsweding FM Resemeletse Show 9h00 - 12h00 (09h22 - 09h33) Tswana Munghana Lonene Fm Gingirikani Show 9h00 - 12h00 (9h50 -...
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