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News & Articles

Nali'Bali in the media

This year Nal’ibali, South Africa’s reading-for-enjoyment campaign, set a target to read aloud to 2 million children on World Read Aloud Day, Wednesday 5 February. Issuing a special story in all 11 official languages and calling on the support of South Africans everywhere, the campaign has announced that close to 3 million children were read to. World Read Aloud Day is a global event to...
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Children learn best when they are happy. This is why Nal’ibali, South Africa’s reading-for-enjoyment-campaign, and Clowns Without Borders South Africa (CWBSA) have partnered for the second year in a row to tour their libraries roadshow aimed at building literacy bridges between schools and libraries.   The tour includes a theatre performance based on three Nal’ibali characters and the full show comprises storytelling, physical theatre, clowning and...
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Nalibali library drive
A child on a bike, with a book bag slung over their shoulder, on their way to the library, is a sight that would warm any parent, teacher or librarian’s heart. This was the result that Nal’ibali – South Africa’s reading for enjoyment campaign – was aiming for when it started its nationwide library drive to get as many children as possible signed up...
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Storytelling is a human need. We only have to look at the success of Generations—people tuned in for years to see the latest plot twist! How do you think sharing stories brings us together? When one shares a story, it results in people gathering together. Telling and sharing stories gives us common ground and a platform for human connection, whether in a taxi to work...
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 ‘Literacy is not a luxury; it’s a right and a responsibility.’ While education may be the most powerful weapon, reading aloud and storytelling are integral building blocks of learning. This is why Nal’ibali, a national reading-for-enjoyment campaign designed to spark children’s potential through storytelling and reading, was founded. For the last seven years, Nal’ibali has been bringing a special story to children to celebrate World Read...
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Priddy Books Boost for Nal’ibali

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12 December 2019
Growing up in a home without books, London-based Roger Priddy spent much of his childhood at his local library, paging through books and gazing at pictures. Today, the Priddy selection of hardcover picture books is the first choice for many parents around the world, when introducing their baby or toddler to books. On Friday, 6 December, Priddy, together with publisher Pan Macmillan South Africa,...
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Children are hardwired to fall in love in with stories; it’s how we as humans make sense of the world around us and how we learn language. Now, in a pioneering campaign by partners Nal’ibali and Grow Great, young children and babies in Limpopo and Mpumalanga will have the opportunity to experience the magic of stories in their homes. The difference is that it...
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My favourite part of my job is when I go out into a community to attend the opening of a new library. I get excited about the opportunities and possibilities that a library represents to the community – especially to the children. The role of libraries has long since changed from being purely keepers and preservers of books. Now, many libraries are vibrant spaces...
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For 36-year-old Kathlehong resident Mthunzi Motha, FUNda Sonke has provided a perfect opportunity to connect with people across the country and learn ways to help improve literacy in his community. FUNda Sonke – isiXhosa for “everyone read” – is a loyalty programme for everyone in the national reading-for-enjoyment campaign, Nal’ibali. The programme acknowledges everyday heroes like Motha who generously volunteer their time to encourage...
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Nal’ibali, South Africa’s reading-for-enjoyment campaign, has partnered with municipal libraries nationwide to challenge all adults to get the children in their lives a free library membership card. South Africa lacks a culture of reading and libraries remain largely underutilised, so children are unaccustomed to borrowing books to take home to read for enjoyment. In a quest to overcome illiteracy in South Africa and to...
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