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News & Articles

Nali'Bali in the media

Nal’ibali is looking for all individuals and organisations who uphold Nelson Mandela’s values on education. This year marks what would have been former president Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday. His legacy still lives on and we’d like to celebrate it with you! Nelson Mandela believed that education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world. Our children have the potential...
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In the spirit of South African Youth Month, the Nal’ibali national reading-for-enjoyment campaign is hosting a Youth Day round table panel discussion at Centre for the Book on Thursday, 14 June. The panel will include activists who are passionate about youth, language and advocacy work.  The story of 16 June 1976 encompasses two of Nal’ibali’s values – activism and the belief that every child...
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Picture taken by Themba Mbuyisa
Lebohang Masango Two musicians, a television presenter, a retail entrepreneur and myself, an anthropologist, are all seated around a table discussing the current state of South African youth. One of the musicians is a multilingual rapper, actress and currently producing a documentary on a cultural item of significance. The second musician has created a refreshing blend of Hip Hop with a youthful twist on the Maskandi...
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LMs Book Exchange plans – Venue + time Our Literacy Mentors across the country will be hosting public book exchange events, where everyone is encouraged to bring and swap a book. Find out where is the nearest station to you. Don't miss out on the reading fun!  Eastern Cape Name Date Partner Activity Venue Time Madoda Ndlakuse - 26 May 2018    Book Exchange Event Mgwenyana Street 33 NU6 Motherwell Circle 09:00 – 11:00 Abongile Davani - 26...
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‘Books are a uniquely portable magic’ - Stephen King There is no substitute for books in the life of a child.  Which is why NGO, The Nal’ibali Trust, is expanding on its reading-for-enjoyment campaign to initiate a national book exchange project in the week of 26 May. Jade Jacobsohn, Nal’ibali’s Managing Director says, “Literacy Mentors across the country will be hosting public book exchange events, where everyone is...
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By Somikazi Deyi For many decades Africa has been the only place in the world where most children are taught in a language that is not their own.  This places African languages at the centre of discussion where education is concerned. The discourse starts from whether they have enough terminology and vocabulary to be languages of teaching and learning; of the economy and wealth; law and...
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Athol Williams “It broke my heart to hear my son ask whether black boys can also be heroes.” This is what a friend told me when asked about his eight-year old’s reaction to the characters that he sees in his books. If none of the heroes looked like him, the young, avid reader reasoned, then perhaps he could not be a hero. This all-too-common example...
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Nal’ibali - South Africa’s national reading-for-enjoyment campaign - is proud to be adding two more South African languages to their literacy newspaper supplements. Setswana and Xitsonga readers can now enjoy the Nal’ibali supplements in their mother languages from mid-April 2018. This latest addition brings the total number of languages to eight, for Nal’ibali’s bilingual supplements. It is a significant milestone for Nal’ibali, which fully...
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Nal’ibali is South Africa’s reading-for-enjoyment campaign aimed at using reading and storytelling to ignite the creative and critical potential of all children, especially those who do not have access to reading material, like many children who speak African languages. For SA Library Week, which takes place between 16 -23 March, Nal’ibali Literacy Mentors will be connecting 2 000 children from more than 25 primary...
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The Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) celebrates South African Library Week from 19-25 March 2018 with the theme, Libraries: Heart of the Community. SA Library Week was initiated in 2001 by LIASA to be a commemorative period recognised by government for all types of libraries across the country to market their services. This development was partially due to joint ventures, partnerships,...
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