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News & Articles

Nali'Bali in the media

What made the team at Open Book Festival decide to take up the challenge of giving young children access to quality books? From the start, we have been committed to doing whatever we are able to in order to increase learners' access to books. Books have such a far reaching impact on one's life and understanding of the world in which we live.   Can you tell...
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Nal’ibali, the nationwide reading-for-enjoyment campaign which aims to spark children’s potential through reading and storytelling, is supporting caregivers in kick-starting their children’s 2019 school year by giving away 20 mini-libraries fully stocked with story books in different South African languages.      Research shows that children who read for pleasure, do better across all school subjects, including Maths. However, to keep children reading, it’s helpful to understand what motivates them to read.  According to American researchers, Kathryn Edmunds and Kathryn Bauserman, the following factors influence children’s reading behaviours.    Children are more...
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Picture books are five books in one

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26 November 2018
Athol Williams November is Picture Book Month and the power of picture books is evident in the numerous engagement options they offer a child. These multiple options offer a broadened approach to reading. I count five different ways in which picture books can be used by children, in effect, making a picture book, five books in one.  The first three ways relate to children reading...
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Increasing pressure on the publishing industry, plus a shrinking reading culture, hasn't changed the enormous lifelong benefit of reading to children from early childhood. With South Africa having eleven official languages, how do we ensure children across the country access these benefits in their mother tongue? By Jade Jacobsohn, Managing Director at Nal’ibali.  ------------- According to UNESCO, “Illiteracy and poverty constitute a mutually reinforcing, vicious cycle...
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Milton Sekhaolelo
[To listen to the winning stories, click here. ] Story Bosso is a multilingual storytelling contest designed to provide aspiring storytellers with an opportunity to showcase their talent and to promote storytelling in all official South African languages. It’s an initiative of South Africa’s national-reading-for-enjoyment campaign, Nal’ibali. The theme for this year’s talent search was ‘South African Heroes’.  By remembering and telling the stories of our heroes, the...
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The importance of libraries

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31 October 2018
I grew up in a community that did not have many libraries. I was born and raised in Gugulethu. The only thing we did every Saturday morning was go to Luyolo Arts Centre and listen to a few ladies telling us about girl guides. Needless to say, this was boring, it felt like an un-official church. I listened anyway.  I wanted more for myself...
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DGMT and Primedia have recently launched one of the country’s largest-ever national outdoor media campaigns, demonstrating the power of early childhood development to change the future of South Africa. The billboard campaign will showcase three large-scale initiatives to prevent nutritional stunting and promote early learning and reading –namely Grow Great, SmartStart and Nal’ibali. It comes at a time when South Africa is looking for greater...
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Of Literacy and Love

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22 October 2018
Reading-for-joy as a strategy for development must be a priority on South Africa’s agenda. In fact, it needs to be our next big revolution, says Dr Sebabatso Manoeli. As Literacy Month ended in September, it is vital that our literacy woes do not fall to the wayside until the month of September rolls back round again. We have heard repeatedly that, according to the most...
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Prize reflects the campaign’s commitment to supporting reading in South Africa On the 6th of October, South Africa’s reading-for-enjoyment campaign, Nal’ibali, took third place at the African Union’s Innovation in Education Prize, rising ahead of six other emerging innovators from across the continent. The announcement came during the AU Commission’s Innovating Education in Africa Exhibition in Dakar, supported by the Senegalese Government and African partner...
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Celebrating Partner’s Imbizo’s

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25 September 2018
Nal’ibali is dedicated to promoting a culture of reading for enjoyment with its respective partner organisations and communities.  Our first partner intake in 2018 has successfully completed their Nal’ibali training,  and were rewarded with certificates of recognition and hampers containing books and other Nal’ibali reading materials.     Here are some imbizo celebration reflections, held by different provinces.             Your organisation or community can become a Nal’ibali partner too. When...
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