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Literacy Blog

Reading with comprehension is a human right that doesn’t happen for most South Africans. Is this blanket statement really true or are we ignoring the fact that significant numbers of people are reading in a different form of language than is expected of them – particularly the younger generation criticised for writing CVs and matric exams in so-called txt-tese, SMS language or chat speak? Are...
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The retelling of the classics

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4 December 2012
In the May issue of Fairlady we featured a great article entitled ‘Good books bad feelings’ that posed the question whether you should read scary or sad books to your children. Now we take the question a bit further. Should children’s books also have a distinct African flavour? What if Snow White was living with seven dwarfs somewhere in the Lesotho mountains and what if Rapunzel...
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Redang is intrasting...

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4 December 2012
redeng is intrasting it hulps  you to lorn.  I stortd with go, dog, go, and then I cared on with mor hoda books, now I take books owt of the libery  wich  mens you or a good reda.  my hol Lif my  mom  has  ben reding to me evan  sans I wos  1. I lict The owl and The poose cat. my mom hato ryd it...
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How I discovered the joy of reading

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19 November 2012
I wasn’t always a fan of reading.  I only did it because it pleased my aunt and because I had to do it for book reviews. But, even in Grades Six and Seven, when doing book reviews became frequent, my actual reading of them (books) didn’t. I would read the blurb of the book and the last 100 pages so that I could piece...
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