Written stories
Try our growing collection of stories to print out or read aloud at home with the whole family.
Lerato wa go fofa
Kgale ka letšatši le lengwe, mosetsana wa go bitšwa Lerato o be a sepela nageng ge a bona kolotswana ye ntsho e robetše ka tlase ga sethokgwa.
“Aga,” a realo Lerato. “Re tla ja bose bošego bja lehono.” Lerato a topa kolotswana gomme a makatšwa ke ge e lla,
“Hle, e re ke sepele! Ke tlo go leboga – ke nna kolobe ya maleatlana.” Lerato o ile a lebelela kolobe.
“O tlo mpha eng?” a botšiša. “Ka beke e tee,” a realo kolobe, “o tlo kgona go fofa bjalo ka nonyana lefaufaung