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Multilingual story supplements

Browse our archive of Nal'ibali reading-for-enjoyment story supplements available in 10 language combinations. 

Nal'ibali Supplement Edition 189

Anyone can talk to children about books. Let the conversation flow naturally. Look for books that interest your child, and remember to start slowly, with a few pages at a time

Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Tshivenda/English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement Edition 188

Every family has stories to tell! Some of these stories might be ones that were told to you as a child. These could include stories about imaginary or mythical characters that have been passed down from generation to generation, stories about trickery or bravery, or stories that teach about the values of perseverance or forgiveness

Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Tshivenda/English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 187

The Nal’ibali reading-for-enjoyment campaign was officially launched in June 2012. Our aim was and still is to help build a South Africa where every child enjoys a story every day! Research shows that children who enjoy reading have a larger vocabulary, have more knowledge about more things, and can better understand how other people think and behave. Importantly, those who read for enjoyment are more likely to experience success in schooling regardless of whether they come from a wealthier or poorer home.

Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Tshivenda/English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 186

Is reading part of your family's daily life? If not, a great way to get started is to join the Get-Caught- Reading movement during the month of May and help your children discover the magic of books and stories. Books and stories can help us to learn about other people, animals and places without ever leaving home!

Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Tshivenda/English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 185

Caregivers can play a very important part in helping children choose books that will get them “hooked” on reading and stories. For example, it is very important that books for babies and pre-schoolers are in their home language wherever possible. Reading in your home language deepens understanding, knowledge and the desire to keep reading. Wordless books with pictures give you the chance to tell a story to your child in your own way. Your child can create their own stories too. Wordless books are great for children and adults who speak different languages

Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Tshivenda/English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 184


How often have your children said, “Tell us a story, please?” You may remember what it feels like to be completely wrapped up in a story – it’s like everything around you disappears and you are part of the story! Children love hearing stories, and they are a great way to stimulate their imagination and their use of language. Here are some tips to help you be a magical storyteller for your children.

Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 183

This year,  the Nal'ibali reading for enjoyment is celebrating its 10th annivesary! In 2012, Nal'ibali was launched as a national reading for enjoyment campaign. Its aim was to spark, and embed a culture of reading accross South Africa so that reading, writing and sharing stories, in all of the South African languages would become part of everyday. To make that vision a reality, Nal'ibali has produced many wonderful stories in all of the South African languages. These stories are shared in our bilingual supplement, as printed books and radio stories, on our website and via social media, so that every child can enjoy a story everyday.

Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF


Nal'ibali Supplement edition 182

It’s holiday time! The year is almost over and soon it will be that time of year when most of us are able to spend more time than usual with family and friends. It’s time for that long-awaited end-of-year break. That time of year when we can all slow down a bit, relax and spend time doing more of the things we enjoy. 

Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF




Nal'ibali Supplement edition 181

November is International Picture Book Month – a time to celebrate those special books that capture our imagination with their carefully chosen words and beautiful illustrations. Picture books introduce our children to the world of literature. They also play a critical part in their development.

Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF


Nal'ibali Supplement edition 180

What we tell our children about girls and women is an important part of building a more equal society. And we tell them about girls and women in lots of different ways. One of these is through the stories we share with them.

Afrikaans/ EnglishPDF

Sepedi/ English   PDF

Siswati/English:    PDF

Sesotho/ English:  PDF

Xitsonga/English:  PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English:  PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 179

Books are expensive and so it is understandable that we want them to last. How can we help our children learn to take good care of books so that they can be enjoyed over and over again?


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 178

Have you noticed how naturally curious children are? Given the chance, they will ask question after question! Use books to help them discover answers to their questions and to explore different topics together – you’ll find yourself asking questions too and you’ll learn things together.


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 177

Between the ages of six and nine, most children learn to read for themselves. So, what can you do to help them develop as readers? Well, the most important thing you can do is to keep reading to them! Here are some ideas for doing that.


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 176

May is Get-Caught-Reading Month! It’s the month when we remind ourselves and others that reading is part of our daily lives. Reading for pleasure is something we can do anywhere and anytime!


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 175

If you regularly read and write with your children at home, you teach them that reading and writing are important, useful and enjoyable. This helps make literacy learning easier for them. Everyone at home has a role to play in developing young children’s reading and writing. Here are some ideas to make literacy an enjoyable part of everyday family life.


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 174

We all have at least one language that we understand and communicate best in, although some of us may have more! People use different labels for this language − like “mother tongue” or “mother language” or “home language” − but it is the language we learnt first. It’s the language we think and feel in, the one in which it is easiest for us to express ourselves and communicate with others.


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF


Nal'ibali Supplement edition 173

Welcome to your special World Read Aloud Day edition of the Nal’ibali Supplement!

World Read Aloud Day is celebrated by people from all over the world who are passionate about children’s books and reading. In fact, it’s celebrated by over one million people in more than one hundred countries! Every year Nal’ibali joins in these celebrations to raise awareness in our own country of how reading aloud supports children’s literacy development.


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF

Nal'ibali Supplement edition 172

Reading and telling stories can be two of the most satisfying activities for children, especially if they are stuck inside to keep safe, or because it is raining or they are sick. The magic of books and stories will let them go on adventures and visit different places without leaving home. Reading to our children shows them that reading can be enjoyable and entertaining. This motivates them to read more and more. And this is how they develop a lifelong relationship with books and reading!


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF


Nal'ibali Supplement edition 171

Every day, people reach out to others to bring about positive change. A small act of kindness and love – like taking the time to read to someone or tell them a story – can make a big difference in their life. Stories allow us to make sense of our own lives and to connect with family and friends. Sharing stories helps children to do more than just learn to read; it builds a sense of belonging to their families and communities and also helps them understand others.


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF


Nal'ibali Supplement edition 170

As adults we know that being able to share is an important life skill, and part of this is learning to take turns with others. When you regularly spend time reading with your children, not only do you develop them as readers, you also have an excellent opportunity to show them how to share and take turns. Taking turns helps you to create a partnership with your children around books. It means that you can share the power to make decisions about what you will read and how to spend your reading times. And so, exploring books becomes something you really do together!


Afrikaans/English: PDF

Sepedi/ English: PDF

Siswati/English: PDF

Sesotho/ English: PDF

Xitsonga/English: PDF

Setswana/ English: PDF

isiXhosa/English: PDF

isiZulu/English: PDF