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Multilingual story supplements

Browse our archive of Nal'ibali reading-for-enjoyment story supplements available in 10 language combinations. 

Nal’ibali supplement, edition 2

In this edition, we share our top tips on how to read with a child, find out more about Nal’ibali reading clubs and enjoy the cut-out-and-keep story, ‘It’s time’, by Carole Bloch (Jacana Media), as well as part two of ‘Sefudi’s sadness’ by Donvé Lee.

isiXhosa, English (PDF
isiZulu, English (PDF

Nal’ibali supplement, edition 1

In this edition, we discuss the valuable role of stories in people’s lives, feature the cut-out-and-keep story ‘Books are friends by Carole Bloch (Jacana Media) AND share part one of our read-aloud story ‘Sefudi’s sadness’ by Donvé Lee.

isiZulu, English (PDF
isiXhosa, English (PDF