The lonely snake
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Written stories

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The lonely snake


Written by Sanelisiwe Maliza


Illustrated by Shadrack Munene

“Sssss,” wept Baby Snake. When Baby Snake slithered out of her hole in the ground to play, the animals fled. The birds flew to the highest branch on the tree. The mice skittered away. Baby Porcupine wobbled back to his nest in a hollow tree. The lonely snake Written by Sanelisiwe Maliza | Illustrated by Shadrack Munene “Why don’t the other animals like me, Mama?” cried Baby Snake. “Every time I go outside to play with them, they run away without even saying hello.” “They have heard bad stories about snakes. The animals think snakes are bad. They are afraid of us,” said Mama Snake. 4 5 Baby Snake watched from behind a rock as the other animals played happily together. “They look like they are having so much fun,” she said sadly. Baby Snake heard crying. She slithered closer. A group of caracal cubs were sneering and spitting at Baby Porcupine. “Please stop,” sobbed Porcupine. Baby Snake slithered even closer... 6 “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” To this day, Snake and Porcupine live happily, side by side. The bullies got such a fright, they ran away as fast as they could. “Thank you,” croaked Porcupine. “No problem,” laughed Baby Snake. “Stick with me and those guys will never bully you again!