What is a reading club? | Nal'ibali
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Start a reading club

Are you interested in starting a reading club or become a literacy volunteer? Or maybe you'd just like to get in touch. 

What is a reading club?

Nal’ibali operates in nine provinces nationwide, where we host and support reading clubs! Our reading clubs are safe, informal spaces where children can freely arrive to engage with books and stories. These clubs are run by Nal’iabli representatives, volunteers, parents, librarians and FUNda Leaders. YOU can start or join a reading club too!

In fact, reading clubs are run best by people who love stories and books and want to help children grow to love reading. You don’t have to be a teacher or librarian – you can learn about the world of children’s stories and books at the reading club. Most reading clubs are run by volunteers, so you don’t get paid. Your payment is in the fun you have and the satisfaction that you are making a difference!

You could start a club at home with your own children and a few of their friends. Or, you could offer to start a reading club with children at a venue like a local school, church, mosque or library. The ages of the children can be from tots to teens. It’s up to you, what you feel capable of doing and are comfortable with. The same goes for the length of each session – anything from half an hour to two hours is fine.

We are currently working on improving our reading club online registration system. We will not be registering any new reading clubs until 1 August 2024. Distribution of supplements to existing reading clubs will continue as usual, so please do collect your supplements.  Please direct any queries to readingclubs@nalibali.org.

Find tips on how to run a reading club here!

A reading club can happen anywhere where there is a quiet space. Start a reading club somewhere safe – at school, after-care, a library, a community hall or clinic. Start one in someone’s house or garage, at Sunday School or your mosque or temple – wherever is easiest for you!

Reading clubs need an open space to meet in. Something to drink and eat is always good, if possible. And cushions and carpets are more comfortable than desks and chairs. But reading can also happen under a tree, lying on the grass, or anywhere else that feels right. Mostly, you need good reading material to keep everyone interested – picture books; novels; fantasy and history books; books on adventures, travels, galaxies and dinosaurs; how-to books; sports and adventure stories; poetry, rhymes and songs; newspapers and magazines. And, of course, the best way to get to know what books to read with children of different age groups, is to read as much as possible for yourself.

Creating this fun, safe and engaging space is key to inspiring children to read, and gives them the opportunity to share stories in a stress free environment. To find out more about how to run a reading club, click here!